

It is common knowledge that the majority of clients in the escort business are married men. Sure, single men procure the services of Chennai escorts every once in a while or when they are between relationships, but married men take the mantle.

Science has tried to explain why. Apparently, being in a marriage makes you more susceptible to seduction, sex, and infidelity. This is because the marriage environment is sexually charged owing to the fact that you can get it whenever you want. But ironically, married people are seldom excited to have sex with each other. In layman’s terms, married people are hornier than single people.

We asked escorts to reveal the things they learn from the men who hire them on a regular basis. Their answers will shock you.

He loves his wife and doesn’t want to hurt her

 Isn’t that a doozey? Believe it or not, men who go to escorts do not do so because they are exhausted with their wives or want to leave. According to Satin, a female Chennai escort, many men speak fondly of their wives. In their own twisted ways they rationalize that going to escorts for the more complex sexual needs is actually a load off their wives. They love their wives and family life and have no intention of leaving or divorcing. Their goings and comings to the escort is to relieve the excess pressure so they can show upto their homes relaxed and happy.


He wants to a non-judgmental listening ear

 Sometimes the male clients just want an audience for their thoughts and dreams. The stresses and baggage of being married to someone for a long time makes it difficult to listen to them without judging. This is the reason some men go to escorts. Desiree, an independent Chennai escort, says some men pitch the idea for a new venture to her and listen to her opinion before talking to their wives. The escort-client relationship is unburdened by baggage and emotion which helps the man to hear an unbiased opinion.

He wants more TLC

 With the hustle and bustle of married life and kids, couples often lack time to spend together. Married men feel like they don’t receive enough attention so they go to escorts to fulfil that need. In a bid not to be whinny about not receiving enough affection, a married man had rather seek for affection from an escort so as not to overburden his wife.

Clearly, wives and husbands have very different understandings of the services offered by escorts. As a wife with a hubby who visits escorts, look at it from this point of view. It is not so bad now, right?

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