
Being an escort is a career in a class of its own. Unlike other jobs where you are clear on your job description, being an escort is a different basket of muffins every day. Escorts cannot tell you what their day will be like if they tried.

While the main aspect of being an escort is the sex, some clients are more creative than that. They have never-heard-of requests that leave the escort confused about whether to run or stay.

The majority of escorts would prefer a client who just wants to talk or have the “Girlfriend Experience”. A girlfriend experience is when the escort is paid to do and act the way a normal girlfriend would. In truth, which escort wouldn’t want to be paid $200 an hour to not have sex?

We talked to various Chennai escorts who recounted the weirdest things clients ever paid them to do.


Sugarbooby, an independent Chennai escort, recalls a client who only wanted her to lie on the bed with her head on his lap. He then asked her to close her eyes and he proceeded to gently stroke her hair while repeating “poor little dead stripper” over and over again. This, as she recalls, was definitely top of the weirdest clients she ever had. More surprising was that the activity was sexually arousing to the client.

Toe fetishes are not uncommon but they are far apart. Desiree, a female Chennai escort, reveals she had a client who would book her for 2 hours to lick her toes while she read Harry Potter to him. He would bring a full pedicure set to trim and file her nails before starting to lick. She said they never had sex and to this day she cannot say with certainty if the whole ordeal was or wasn’t sexual for him.

Perhaps the weirdest of all would be Brittany’s client. Brittany is a Chennai escort. This client paid Brittany along with other escorts to plop in his mouth. Well, on all levels, this is disgusting. Brittany says she was apprehensive at first but the client was paying twice her rate. She also recalls him bringing a cake for her to piss on before he proceeded to eat it.

Ultimately, hiring an escort is fulfilling your darkest desire or better still, your silliest desire. This is why the escort business is here to stay, as long as people harbor abhorring fetishes.

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