
Rejection and being rejected in the escort industry is painful whether you are a client or an escort. There are several reasons you get rejected. Some reasons may be within your control while others may not. Factors such as hygiene are within your control. Others like physical appearance as well beyond your control.

If for some reason you need to reject either a client or an escort, here are a few tips on how to go about it.

How to reject a client

Make excuses

 When rejecting a client it is essential to make it as discrete as possible, one way is by making excuses. Christine, an escort in Chennai,says her Eureka moment is when she has to make an excuse to a client that she is unwilling to go out with. She states that earlier she found it is difficult for her to show enthusiasm with a client she has no connection with so she opts to reject them rather than suffer through the ordeal. She says that she just keeps giving thinly-veiled reasons why she can’t make it to the date until the client moves on to another escort. She says it works just fine for her.


Do Disappearing Trick

 This is the oldest trick in the book but it still works. If you have clients that you wish not to meet again for whatever reason just go silent on their calls or their messages. Laura, an independent Chennai escort states that she is frequently turned off by some clients who request for a service that she doesn’t offer after they pick her up. She further states she has a smartphone application that blacklists those clients so she doesn’t have to deal with them ever again.

Explain Your Rejection

 Sometimes, honesty is the best policy. Stating the reason for rejecting a client is good and a bit professional. At least it leaves him feeling respected. Samantha, a female escort in Chennai, stated that she once rejected a client because of his attitude. She says that by being blunt and honest about it, the client understood and respected her for it. However, beware of people who can’t handle the truth.


 Declining an advance by a client can be as disturbing as being rejected.As an escort, it is normal to be rejected since after all is said and done, this is a business transaction. So, the best you can do is try to remain professional.


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